Sunday, March 25, 2012

Update and Artist of the Month!

Glad that the Harry Potter series is over its time for a new topic to find. Since moving to Tampa I
have been swamped with prepping with some really cool things. Since Novemeber there has been the Sarasota Medieval Fair, Tampa Bay Steampunk Society, and the 501st Vader's Fist. Its been a blast researching and learning about all these different world and meeting talented and passionate people from all over.

Be expecting alot of posts concerning different events and updates on these awesome groups! And my projects I have been working with each of these. My next Post should be up by April 15th. It's going to be awesome! Just wait! lol.

For now lets take a look at some great artists and designers. Because let's be honest, you don't have to do it yourself when people already have mastered it for you.  My Artist of the Month is Amanda He. Amanda has great customer service ontop of talent. I just favorited her great work and she responded with a great thank you. Definately a person to watch. This Jewelry maker takes a beautiful vintage approach on some of our favorite things. Hunger Games being just released is huge right now and she has some great products to celebrate that. And the great thing is alot of it is versible. You can use it for Steampunk, and Comic cons or for just plain fun.

What's really great about this is that the prices are wonderful. So many times have I found items done simply are so expensive. Amanda doesn't do that to you she wants you to enjoy her hard work and won't charge you a lot for it.

Though the shipping is at 5.50 for the first item, I believe it to be a good price. And I fully intend to go to her when I put a few of my projects together.

 She covers things that both men and women would like. Covering all sorts of ideas from Steampunk, to world travel, to movies, and animals. I definately can't wait to see what she does next.

Here are just a few of the cool items on her Etsy shop! Till next time. :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Awesome Harry Potter Ideas Part 3/3

So this is my last installment of my three part blog of Harry Potter Weddings. And I can’t tell you how excited I am to be getting back to this blog. My computer has been away from me, but now me and my Indigo are back together ready to write more for you my audience. I took you into the recreation of the Weasley/ Delacor Wedding displayed in the movie and then into the crisp refreshing weddings of todays Harry Potter Weddings. Now it’s time for me to give you some of my wackey awesome ideas to transform great elements from this iconic series to your spectacular event.

I was speaking to my good friends and we were all in concensis. With a Harry Potter Wedding, You can step it up a notch. You can recreate locations like:  -Yule Ball -Hogsmeade -Hogwarts -Diagon Alley. Or you can take awesome elements and make it happen.

 Food- Maximise on the desserts. Take a page from Brilliant Britta Peterson, You can take fruits and vegetables for Herbology class, Desserts like the chocolate frogs, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans...
Click here for some great ideas.   She shows some great recipes and brilliant ideas. She also has some cool candy boxes, seals, and labels at her etsy shop.  The cool thing is you can do alot of this stuff on your own for a little bit of money.

You can also check out Loralee Lewis's Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Collection at her etsy shop. Her lables and stationary are gold.

Lighting is an essential element to harry potter. Candles really make it awesome! If you can give an illusion of floating candles, that would put you high on the epic scale.
Think of Hogwarts and cool things in it. The Potions, the books, the Sorting hat, Animals.
You can even bring in a shelter or sanctuary to get your guest to give to a good cause on top of having the cool elements of animals.
Bring in the Mauraders Map and Newspapers. Gotta love the changing photos. And with frames you can get changing photos, so you can do it easy.
Use your 5th grade science to your advantage. Make potion bottles fiss and tubes with mini tornadoes. If its weird or exsotic or very oldschool it can fit! :)
The ideas are endless. FACEBOOK! :)

Sources- Many thanks to Harry Potter Wiki and the people of

This site had some cool stuff they did.. And they had a blast!

Check this website for references of main characters: