Saturday, February 4, 2012

Harry Potter Wedding: Real Life Weddings

I can’t believe a whole month has gone by since I had last posted. So needless to say A few posts will be showing up soon. But let’s concentrate on this post. Real life Harry Potter weddings: let’s see how they did it. 

Outdoors and spring seemed to be popular elements. Oh, and the color purple. J Even though I don’t find as though I was transformed into the Harry Potter world, I did like some of the elements brought into it. 

  I love some of the elements here. Adding fall, and simplicity. The map is a great touch and you can use that for guests to sign like a guest book. Or using it in other ways like a program or an actual map. The Owls and fresh woods through out made it feel very natural. The keys are a awesome touch too. The cake kinda reminded me of the Weasley house. Potions always make it seem better. Why? Honestly, Because its HARRY POTTER! lol. It's wizards and potions are a very large part of the movies.

 This is cool. If you go to the facebook page you can see these closer. They made signature drinks from the series. Polyjuice and Hogsmede Ale. They placed it on an antique looking trunk. Which is another great reference to the school. The placement of the drinks are important. You should expect the guest to want drinks as a really large request of the reception. And put a iconic theme on it, everyone is going to be looking there. So be prepared there.

 I loved this! I don't know how they found an amazing hut. But what a wonderful spot for wedding pictures. Hagrids hut. :)

The Sorting Hat! Awesome! And to have it where you put where the guest figure out where to sit. That's just great. Then to put the name tags on wands. They get to keep the wands. Double as favors. Go to the Facebook to see close ups.

Just like the invite to the school the invite was very similiar. And the tough of the Owls everywhere is a great idea.

This is such a good idea! It's like magic!  Great for entertainment. One of the great entertainment ideas you can use.

One way to have seating is by separating the guests by houses. I do like this. Not sure I would have the background to be so white. Maybe to use a wet tea bag to make it a little more brown and vintage and weathered. And maybe using the items from each house. Such as the Griffindor House Sword. 

 There are some more great pictures posted to the facebook page. So check it out! Next post is some of my ideas for a good Harry Potter Wedding.